The death of George Floyd and the events which followed, have caused me to seriously analyse the privilege afforded to me as a white male. The journey of realisation has been a turbulent one and my outlook has adjusted significantly as a result. Before the death of George Floyd, and even in the months following this horrific loss of life, I would have snarled at the idea that the pigment of my skin has, in any way, afforded me any advantage. How wrong I was. I must take a moment here to recognise that, as a white male with a reasonably large audience who take the time to indulge my (often poorly) written endeavors, I am exercising my white privilege by even sharing this entry because structural inequality gives me a sturdy platform that is rarely afforded to my friends of colour. I point this out not as a bid to signal virtue, but to avoid any misconception that I am attempting to undertake the racial equivalent of 'mansplaining'. I recognise my unfair societal advantage, but t...
A blog that covers my basic interests, fulfils my occasional urge to write, and shares some insights in to my personal interests and state of mind.